Felix Adam

Data Science Program Ambassador

Originally from Germany
Currently living in Germany

I studied Economics at the University of Cologne with a focus on Econometrics and Finance. Following a data science summer school at UCL, as well as some internships in data science and quantitative asset management I joined the Data Science Master to gain a solid foundation in statistics and machine learning. Currently I'm a Data Scientist for medical devices at the Data Science Lab of Fresenius Medical Care in Berlin, Germany.


Looking back at my year at the BSE, I wish that it didn't fly by as fast as it did. There were so many exciting things to learn and discover, be it in statistics, machine learning or in and around Barcelona, that it felt like the Masters was over before it even started. Sure, the program was truly challenging but also immensely rewarding.

Most importantly, I realized that Data Science is a fluid field, for which the Masters provides an excellent foundation enabling me to continue learning and pushing my own boundaries. Academically the program covers a wide array of topics, allowing everyone to find and thrive in their own field of interest. Personally, I found my passion at the intersection of data- and life sciences through a project at the BSE Data Science Center, which ultimately led me to transition into this exciting area.

Ultimately, the friendships resulting from this intense year are what I cherish the most. The program forces you to understand that Data Science is truly a team sport and that you need to work together with people from diverse backgrounds to achieve the best results. Unsurprisingly, this also leads to many great nights in Barcelona. The program amplified my passion for Data Science and motivated me to keep learning, especially when facing tough problems.