The Merit Award is not compatible with any other BSE tuition waiver offer.
Each year, the BSE awards around 800,000€ in merit-based financial aid to Master's students. On average, 36% of matriculated students in the cohort receive full or partial financial aid. This funding comes from generous public and private sponsors and from the BSE's own funds. The BSE Alumni & Friends Merit Award is one of many initiatives we are working on to offer funding to as many talented candidates as possible.
For more donation options such as wire transfer, planned giving, or partnership opportunities for companies, please contact us:
Tax deductible donations
In Spain, donations to the Barcelona School of Economics qualify for tax deductions under article 16 of Law 49/2002, of 23 December, on the tax regime for non-profit organizations and tax incentives for patronage.
Donations may be tax-deductible in other countries. All donors will receive a receipt that can be used for tax purposes.
The Merit Award is the first initiative that will allow BSE Alumni and other members of our community to play a role in shaping the next cohort of Master's students. Every direct donor will have the opportunity to volunteer to be part of the Merit Award selection committee.
When accepting the award, the recipient will have some obligations to the BSE community, including a requirement to provide occasional updates to Merit Award donors regarding his/her progress in the Master's program.
"The experience has been great. The Master's in Competition and Market Regulation is very specialized and has great professors both practitioners and academics. I learned a lot about the topics that are being discussed in policy right now all over the world and also about the techniques and methodologies that are being used by experts and authorities."
Elisa Greene '21
Competition and Market Regulation Program
Consultant, Oxera
"For anyone who found studying at the BSE a valuable experience, the new Merit Award is an excellent way to give that same opportunity to others. Now Alumni can actively contribute in the selection and support of incoming talent in our community. I am delighted that the BSE has made this happen!"
Ilaria Vigo '16
Economics of Public Policy Program
Environmental Economist, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
"The Merit Award is a great initiative! I would not have chosen BSE if I did not receive some sort of funding or scholarship. Great way to attract smart students! :) I fully support the initiative."
Jebb Peria '10
Finance Program
Associate, EV Private Equity (Norway)
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