5th annual BSE Consulting Day connects students with recruiters from 14 firms
The Consulting Day is one of the recruiting events organized for Master's students by Barcelona School of Economics Career Services.
In October, BSE Career Services organized the annual Consulting Day for Master's students. This was the fifth edition of an event that allowed the current BSE Master's students to connect with representatives of 14 companies from the consulting services sector. For the second year in a row, the Consulting Day was conducted entirely online to ensure a safe experience for recruiters, students, and staff.
- Leandro Benítez '19 (Competition and Market Regulation) Analyst at Frontier Economics
- Anabelí Chuquillanqui '17 (Competition and Market Regulation) Senior Associate at RBB Economics
- Dean Curry '15 (Economics) Associate Principal at RBB Economics
- Stephen Garavan '18 (Economics) Economist at CEPA - Cambridge Economics Policy Associates
- Lionel Gendebien '16 (Competition and Market Regulation), NERA
- Rafael Sambeat '17 (Competition and Market Regulation) Research Officer, Competition Policy at NERA
- Bruno Vidal Boyer '13 (Competition and Market Regulation) Compass Lexecon
- Mariona Tres Vilanova '18 (ITFD) Associate at Instiglio
Master's students could acquire useful information on different areas and roles within Consulting Services. They met experienced professionals, BSE alumni, and international recruiters.
“I wanted to appreciate the work and effort that all of you put on organizing it. It was a very smooth and pleasant experience, and the attendance and participation rate was quite high! Congratulations and thanks for that. As a recruiter, this is something we really appreciate.”Alex Serer, HR Assistant at The Brattle Group
Every company had two slots during the day to present the organization to students and explain the jobs and internship opportunities there were available. They also presented a case study to students who had to work for during the session.
“It's always a pleasure to be part of this journey for students. Our job is to make sure they have all the tools and information to make the best decision regarding their professional future. At Accenture, we are glad to help them build their path. We were happy to attend the BSE Consulting Day and will attend many more sessions in the future.”Samantha Cristobal, HR Talent Acquisition at Accenture