

Science by Women: Elizabeth Kaase-Bwanga, BSE visiting researcher

Elizabeth Kaase-Bwanga

Through the Women for Africa Foundation (FMxA) program "Science by Women," the Barcelona School of Economics is pleased to host visiting researcher, Dr. Elizabeth Kaase-Bwanga (Makerere University), during the 2017-18 academic year.

Professor Kaase-Bwanga holds a PhD in Economics - Rural Economy and Policy Analysis from the Makerere University of Kampala, Uganda where she is a senior lecturer specializing in Gender and Development Strategies, Feminist Economics and Gender Planning and Monitoring & Evaluation in Local Development. 

During her stay at the BSE this year, Dr. Kaase-Bwanga will be developing a research study on the "Gender and Privatization of Healthcare Systems in Uganda and Implications for Healthcare Enhancement" with the objective that her results will enable government and health practitioners to improve the Uganda health system.

Professor Kaase-Bwanga presenting at the workshop "Challenges and Opportunities for Research in Africa" hosted by the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona, December 2017. Photo: CRG

About the "Science by Women" program

The goal of the FMxA's Science by Women program is to enable African women researchers to play a leading role in the transition of Africa to a knowledge-based and innovation-led economy through research that can be transferred into products, processes, services and technologies having impact on people´s lives.

The BSE established a collaboration agreement with the Women for Africa Foundation in 2015, pledging to work with the organization to leverage economic research via activities designed specifically for African women.

See also

BSE works to connect economic research with African society

Women for Africa Foundation