

New GSE Affiliated Professors 2010-11


In the 2010-2011 academic year, the BSE welcomes 12 new affiliated professors and researchers, who join the community as faculty of the School's founding academic bodies. With these new incorporations, the affiliated faculty now includes 151 academics from 22 different countries, with 44% coming from outside Spain. 

The research interests of this year's new academics include topics such as decision theory, economic history, environmental economics, econometrics, and monetary policy. Some are recent doctoral graduates from New York University, University of Pennsylvania, and Toulouse School of Economics; others have taught and published extensively in international journals across the spectrum of economics disciplines. They are a diverse group internationally as well, hailing from Morocco, Austria, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, and Spain.

New BSE Affiliated Professors 2010-11

(listed alphabetically and including GSE master programs in which they are scheduled to teach this year, if applicable)

Larbi AlaouiLarbi Alaoui (UPF and BSE)

PhD, University of Pennsylvania

Research Interests: microeconomic theory, applied microeconomics, decision theory, behavioral economics, game theory, political economy

GSE Master Program(s): Economics

Laia BalcellsLaia Balcells (IAE and BSE)

PhD, Yale University

Research Interests: determinants of civil wars, micro-dynamics of violence during conflict, political consequences of violence

Davide CantoniDavide Cantoni (UPF and BSE)

PhD, Harvard University

Research Interests: economic history, applied economic research, macroeconomics

GSE Master Program(s): Economics

Matthew EllmanMatthew Ellman (IAE and BSE)

PhD, Harvard University

Research Interests: organizations and markets, contracts and law, political economy, ethics, experimental economics

Francesco FasaniFrancesco Fasani (IAE and BSE)

PhD, University College London

Research Interests: labor, migration, crime, microeconometrics

Christian Fons-RosenChristian Fons-Rosen (UPF and BSE)

PhD, London School of Economics

Research Interests: economics of innovation, labor economics, microeconometrics, international economics, corporate finance

Johannes GierlingerJohannes Gierlinger (UAB and BSE)

PhD, Toulouse School of Economics

Research Interests: decision-making under uncertainty, financial economics, environmental economics

GSE Master Program(s): Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Markets

Javier Gil-BazoJavier Gil-Bazo (UPF and BSE)

PhD, Universidad del País Vasco

Research Interests: institutional investment, competition in the mutual fund industry; regulatory issues, pricing of fixed income assets and derivatives, market microstructure problems using simulation-based artificial markets

GSE Master Program(s): Finance

Christian MatthesChristian Matthes (UPF and BSE)

PhD, New York University

Research Interests: macroeconomics, econometrics, monetary economics; optimal monetary and fiscal policy, learning and imperfect information, econometric analysis of dynamic equilibrium models

GSE Master Program(s): Economics

Andrea MattozziAndrea Mattozzi (UAB and BSE)

PhD, University of Pennsylvania

Research Interests: political economy, microeconomics, public economics

Antonio MirallesAntonio Miralles (UAB and BSE)

PhD, Boston University

Research Interests: game theory, mechanism design, economic policy

Luigi PascaliLuigi Pascali (UPF and BSE)

PhD, Boston University

Research Interests: development and growth, international trade, macroeconomics

GSE Master Program(s): EconomicsInternational Trade, Finance, and Development


Related Links

GSE Affiliated Professors

Economics Community

BSE Research

Master Programs