Xavier Vives


PhD, University of California at Berkeley

Xavier Vives is professor of Economics and Finance, Abertis Chair of Regulation, Competition and Public Policy, and academic director of the Public-Private Research Center at IESE Business School, and adjunct professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. He holds a PhD in Economics from UC Berkeley.

He is a member of the Economic Advisory Group on Competition Policy at the European Commission, Research Fellow of CESifo and member of its European Economic Advisory Group from 2001 to 2011. Research Fellow of the Center for Economic Policy Research, where he served as Director of the Industrial Organization Program in 1991-1997. Fellow of the Econometric Society since 1992 and elected member of its Council in 1991-1995; of the European Economic Association since 2004 and elected member of its Council; and Research Associate of European Corporate Governance Institute. He is a member of the Advisory Board for Economic Recovery of the Government of Catalonia and in 2011 he was appointed Special Advisor to the Vicepresident of the European Commission and Commissioner for Competition, Mr Joaquín Almunia.

From 2001 to 2005 he was Professor of Economics and Finance and The Portuguese Council Chaired Professor of European Studies at INSEAD, ICREA Research Professor at UPF, 2003-2006, and from 1991 to 2001, Director of the Institut d’Anàlisi Econòmica, CSIC. He has taught at Harvard University, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Pennsylvania, and New York University (King Juan Carlos I Chair).

Prof. Vives has received several research awards: King Juan Carlos I Prize (1988), Catalan Society for Economics Prize (1996), Narcís Monturiol Medal (2002); Catalonia Economics Prize (2005); ERC Advanced Grant (2008) and Rey Jaime I de Economía Prize (2013).

He has been editor of main international academic journals and currently he is co-editor of the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy and editor of the Journal of Economic Theory.

Working Papers


Recognition ProgramAnna Bayona, Jordi Brandts and Xavier Vives

Information Frictions and Market Power: A Laboratory Study

Games and Economic Behavior, Vol.122, 354-369, July 2020, 10.1016/j.geb.2020.04.014
Xavier Vives

Asset Auctions, Information, and Liquidity

Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol.8, No 2--3, 467--477, January 2010, -
Douglas Gale and Xavier Vives

Complementarities and Information: an Introduction

Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol.7, No 1, 1--10, January 2009, 10.1162/JEEA.2009.7.1.1