PhD, Universidad Pública de Navarra
Jose Apesteguia is ICREA Research Professor at UPF and BSE Research Professor. His work focuses on individual decision-making with an emphasis on its psychological foundations. He uses both theoretical tools and an empirical approach to try to better understand individual decision-making, and to improve the predictive power of decision-making models in economic environments.
- 2017: BSE - "la Caixa" Foundation Research Grants on Socioeconomic Well-being
- 2014: BSE Seed Grant, "Random Choice Under Risk"
Working Papers
A Measure of Behavioral Heterogeneity
Choice-Based Foundations of Ordered Logit
Open Access Jose Apesteguia and Miguel Ángel Ballester
Open Access
Random utility models with ordered types and domains
Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.211, July 2023, Access
Open Access Jose Apesteguia and Miguel Ángel Ballester
Open Access
A Behavioral Model of Adaptation
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol.207, 146-156, March 2023, 10.1016/j.jebo.2023.01.008Open Access
Recognition ProgramJose Apesteguia and Miguel Ángel Ballester