PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Ángel de la Fuente is a tenured scientist at the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC) and Affiliated Professor of the BSE. Professor de la Fuente is a member of the editorial boards of Revista Española de Economía and Moneda y Crédito and a CEPR Research Affiliate. He has been executive director of Fedea since April 2014.
Working Papers
Educational Attainment in the OECD, 1960-2010
Angel de la Fuente
Las Finanzas Autonómicas en Boom y en Crisis (2003-12)
Revista Hacienda Pública Española, Vol.205, No 2, 127--150, January 2013, 10.7866/HPE-RPE.13.2.5
Angel de la Fuente and Rafael Doménech
The Financial Impact of Spanish Pension Reform: a Quick Estimate
Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, Vol.12, No 1, 111--137, January 2013, 10.1017/S1474747212000182
Angel de la Fuente