Joan Llull


Joan Llull is Research Professor at the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC) and Associate Research Professor of the Barcelona School of Economics (BSE). He is also an External Fellow at CReAM (UCL). He received his PhD from CEMFI in 2011.

Prior to joining CSIC, he worked at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and MOVE.

Professor Llull's research focuses on labor economics, and more specifically on immigration, internal migration, occupational mobility, inequality, human capital, family economics, and health. His main research typically estimates dynamic discrete choice models of equilibrium, but several of his papers also use more reduced form approaches.

His work has been published in the Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Human Resources, and the European Economic Review, among others. His research has been funded by prestigious grants, including a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC).

Llull is the Data Editor of the Econometric Society (for its journals Econometrica, Quantitative Economics, and Theoretical Economics) and editorial board member of the Review of Economic Studies. He has also served as Data Editor at the Economic Journal and the Econometrics Journal, associate editor of SERIEs --- The Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, and guest editor for Labour Economics, the Journal of the European Association of Labour Economists.

Awards, Grants, and Honors

Working Papers


Joan Llull

Immigration and Gender Differences in the Labor Market

Journal of Human Capital, Vol.15, No 1, 174–203, April 2021, 10.1086/713725
Nezih Guner, Yuliya Kulikova and Joan Llull

Reprint of: Marriage and health: Selection, protection, and assortative mating

European Economic Review, Vol.109, 162-190, October 2018, 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2018.06.002
Recognition ProgramJoan Llull

Immigration, Wages, and Education: A Labor Market Equilibrium Structural Model

Review of Economic Studies, Vol.85, No 3, 1852–1896, July 2018, 10.1093/restud/rdx053,Data Link