Mar Reguant


Mar Reguant is ICREA Researcher at the Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC) and an Affiliated Professor of the Barcelona School of Economics (BSE), where she is the Director of the Master's in Economics of Energy, Climate Change, and Sustainability. She is also a part-time professor at Northwestern University.

Professor Reguant is Vice President of Climate Change at the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).

Her research uses high-frequency data to study the impact of auction design and environmental regulation on electricity markets and energy-intensive industries. She has studied questions such as strategic behavior in electricity markets in the presence of startup costs, the dynamic impacts of climate policies on energy-intensive industries, and the leakage concerns regarding climate policies. In her current work, she studies the energy transition with a focus on the electricity sector.

Professor Reguant dedicates part of her time to offering guidance on energy and environmental policy around the world. As an example, she has been part of a group of 26 experts guiding France's President Emmanuel Macron on Great Economic Challenges, where she was co-leader of the group on Climate Change. She is also active in the local community, trying to foster efficient management of the electricity market and faster development of renewable energy.

Awards, Grants, and Honors


Jacint Enrich, Ruoyi Li, Alejandro Mizrahi and Mar Reguant

Measuring the impact of time-of-use pricing on electricity consumption: Evidence from Spain

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol.123, January 2024, 10.1016/j.jeem.2023.102901
Claire Petersen, Mar Reguant and Lola Segura

Measuring the impact of wind power and intermittency

Energy Economics, Vol.129, January 2024, 10.1016/j.eneco.2023.107200